
LOST LOVE and Other Stories

I read LOST LOVE and Other Stories written by Jan Carew. This book is composed of 5 stories. I felt all story was strange and scary! I'm going to write one of the most scariest story I felt...
The Doll
It was a story that a strange doll. Let me tell you its story.
Mr. Brown was a lonely man, and he didn't have any friends.
One day, he bought a old doll which was not pretty in a small shop, but the doll was so strange, because he left it at his home, but the doll was in his bag! Moreover, when he offered his seat to old woman, it shouted '' You stupid old thing'', so she was very angry. He was so embarrassed that he threw away it on the street. The next day, however, the doll was at the bus stop, and it showed up everywhere he was.
At last, he put it on the fire, and it was burned. Suddenly, people heard a loud cry, and they ran to his house, but they saw a smiling doll but not Mr. Smith.
After I read, I felt so afraid of buying doll! Please don't buy any old doll easily... [200words]

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