
Hospitals, Doctors and Dentists

My partner was Ayaka. the longest time she was in the hospital was when she was born. she cannot remember her family doctor's name, but she goes to the hospital close to her house, and she likes so-so. she last went to the doctor January, because she got a shat for prevention of influenza. she doesn't have family dentist, because she seldom goes there. she doesn't like dentist, beause she doesn't like sound of the drill. she last went to the dentist when she was 2nd grade in junior high school, because she had to go there for dental cjeck-up. she has good teeth, and she has no cabities and fillings. she goes to hospitals 7 times a year in winter. she takes two vitamin tablets everyday. she got sick in Niw Zealand in this year, because she didn't get into shape. she have entered the hospital when she was born.

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