
Dio stayed my house

my sister couple went to Oguni for trip. so they left dior to my house.
when i got up, he jumped at me. i was glad to meet him!! because i'm really busy lately, so i couldn't visit their house, and couldn't meet him.
Dior is cute but mischief. as i was sleep well, i was awaken by him. and also he played up Maron[my dog]. he was always angry to him.
at middle night, he was crying, so i decided to be sleep with him. his bristle is so soft.
next mornig, he waked up earlier than me. i wished he still would be my house when i went back home from school. but unfortunately i had 5 class, so he went back home, and i couldn't see him off. i was soooo sad.. my mom said, they picked up him at 3:00. it's so early!! they couldn't go around because of rain.
they gave us souvenir[cheese cake]. it was good. and i ate raw caramel[生キャラメル] which they gave. it was the first time that i ate one. it was sweet.
i hope he will come to my house again(^^)

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