
Summer vacation plans

Summer vacation is coming so soon. I have 4 plans. One is to work part-time job, because I can learn service, hospitality and things like that. Also, I’ll earn money and buy some clothes which I want. Second is to go to wedding ceremony for my older sister. They will celebrate Hotel in Tamana. I’m glad that she became happy. I will meet my relatives and cousin. I will take many pictures with them. Third is to level up my English ability. I have much time to study for TOEIC. So, I’ll study in my school. Also, I’ll continue to write my blog. Finally, I’ll meet my friend who lives in Fukuoka. I haven’t met her for about 1 year, so I’m looking forward to meeting her. We will visit my high school and meet my teachers!!
I will spend my summer vacation usefully.

1 件のコメント:

Yohko さんのコメント...

Will your sister marry!? Moreover, her wedding ceremony will hold in Tamana? How nice! Congratulations♪(´∀`)