
Prep- My favorite althlete

My favorite althlete is Daisuke Takahashi.
He is the best figure skater in Japan, you know, and we call him ‘’Dai chan’’. He has a large following, because his skating moves us, and especially his step is so beautiful.
He began to skate at the age of 8, because skating rink built near his house.
1999 - Met Nagamine Utako. His coach
2002 - Win the world junior title
He participated in Senior, but he made little progress in international contest for a long time.
2004 - He reassured pleasure of skating at exhibition of all Japan championship
He met Nicholai , and he turned his effort to strengthen his physical, and step
2006-Torino Olympic short program 5 places, but he won 8 places, because of fall of jump.
2007- World champion ship[Tokyo] win silver medal.
2007-December made twice 4 revolution jump
2008-world champion ship won 4 place
2008 October- injured right knee

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