

Hello, everyone!
Today, I have no idea what I should write^^; really..
I'd like to watch next film and write film review!! I hope I will meet good film. Please, tell me your favorite film. Also, I'll rent a English book, and enjoy reading.

So,weekend is coming so soon! What are you going to do ? shopping? watching movie? Actually, I have a test of MS...and a lot of homework, I have to finish soon, and I'll enjoy my weekend!!
Good night, sorry I did not write a lot.

Sweet dreams...

1 件のコメント:

Ayaka さんのコメント...

Hi, Saki, I'm Ayaka.
I haven't known what you like movie. I also like movie very much, do you know?
My favorite movie is Chary and chocolate factory.I recommend you this movie. see ya!